Church of the Good Shepherd
Located on 1007 Burnett Street, 76301.
33-degrees, 54' 27" N 98-degrees, 29' 40"W |
Sensing the need for spiritual enrichment amongst the residents
of the brand-new town of Wichita Falls, Harriet Seeley began conducting Sunday school classes in her bedroom in 1876. The Episcopal Bishop of Dallas, Alexander Garrett, discovered this ongoing class in 1879. In 1884, the Reverend Henry Shaw arrived in Wichita Falls to build a new church and serve as rector. The first service was held on December 8, in 1885. The church purchased lots at 8th and Lamar and built a house of worship. In 1886, a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Women's Auxiliary gifted a carved marble baptismal font to the church. It has been used for baptisms ever since. On February 20, 1913, the church received parish status. The next year, the Rev. Frederick Datson accepted the call to be the new rector. The Rev. Datson oversaw the $7800 purchase of lots at 10th and Burnett streets. The cornerstone for a new church was laid on April 13, 1915. The church was dedicated on October 3, 1915. Contractors Dyer &Co. of Stamford patterned the $21,000 building after parish churches in England designed during the Middle Ages. In their new building, Church of the Good Shepherd began to engage the community. The Election Day Soup Bazaar, first held in 1928, is an ongoing tradition attended by many community members. During World War II, Church of the Good Shepherd led many war effort projects. After a devastating 1979 tornado, Church of the Good Shepherd was one of the leaders in relief aid. These efforts were the foundation of an organization called Interfaith Outreach Services. Notable leaders include the Rev. Claude Beesley, rector from 1933-1962. He served Wichita Falls State Hospital for 21 years as chaplain and served as president and secretary of the Wichita Falls Ministerial Association. Church of the Good Shepherd has been a pillar of Wichita Falls for over a century. Marker is property of the State of Texas. |