Town of Iowa Park
Located at 103 North Wall Street, Iowa Park, Texas 76367.
GPS coordinates: 33-degrees 57' 4.4" N 98-degrees 40' 3.9" W |
One of the many small towns that sprang up ahead of the railroads as they cross Texas in the 1880s.
Located on the Fort Worth & Denver City Line, this town was first named Daggett's Switch in 1885 for a prominent rancher and railroad official. F. W. & D. C. contractor Gen. G. M. Dodge (already famous as builder of the Union Pacific) spearheaded the founding of Iowa Park by actively promoting a town on land he owned here. Many people from the Midwest -- especially Iowa -- were recruited to settle the infant town. Land promoters D. C. and A. J. Kolp, from Iowa, drew up a city plat which featured many parks, in 1888. After this first period of rapid growth, Iowa Park settled down to more than 20 years of prosperity based on a thriving farm economy. Lightning struck, however, in 1918 when oil was discovered on a farm south of here. Speculators flooded the city and land prices sky-rocketed. The Iowa Park Producing and Refining Company was chartered in 1921 and operated until 1932. The boom itself gradually exhausted the resources here and was over by 1925. In 1924 the Wichita Valley Agriculture Experiment Station was built and is still functioning. A steady farm economy prevails again today. (1969) |